Obituary Robert C. Rosenthal Rosenthal, Robert C., 47, died suddenly on September 13, 2009 in his Ridgewood, New Jersey home. Bob was predeceased by his father Rabbi Richard Rosenthal and survived by his mother Barbara, wife Ardys and children Hannah, Robbie and Daniel, brother David and sister Deborah Calderon. Bob exuded a passion for living life to the fullest with his family, large circle of friends and business colleagues from around the world. His love of mountain sports, travel and adventure was exceeded only by his unswerving devotion to his family. Bob was CEO of Savile Finance Group, a global investment firm that he founded in 1993. Also Bob served as Chairman of Pali Capital, an international brokerage firm. During his career Bob served on the board of numerous public and private companies. Bob grew up in Tacoma, Washington and graduated from the University of Washington. He will be buried Thursday in his hometown next to his father Rabbi Richard Rosenthal. Donations in his memory may be made to ; Green Chimneys, 400 Doansburg Road, Box 179, Brewster, NY 10509-0719.